Your producer and distributor of reference materials

Welcome to WITEGA Laboratorien Berlin-Adlershof GmbH

Your partner for high quality reference materials of veterinary and pesticide products, their metabolites and the corresponding stable isotope-labeled derivatives.

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What We Do:

– We produce and provide analytical standards of Anthelmintica , Flukicide, beta-Agonists, Antibiotics, Tranquilizer, Mycotoxins, NSAID‘s, Steroids, Plasticizers and Pesticides.

– custom synthesis from milligrams to 100g

– quantitative and qualitative analysis of organic compounds

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Why choose WITEGA

The WITEGA Laboratorien Berlin-Adlershof GmbH is a leading manufacturer and distributor of reference standards for residue analysis.

Witega Laboratorien Berlin-Adlershof GmbH
James-Franck-Strasse 4
12489 Berlin



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